nymb ‘novembre’ ep (1997)

by CultureOfNone on April 25, 2009

I saw nymb perform in the basement of Chad’s house.

nymb played dense, wall-of-sound indie rock that was often deep and swirling and articulate.
As a live act, they had a meditative focus that suggested at the core of these crushing guitar epics were softly strummed acoustic origins.

When I saw them in 2000, they were memorable in the way a dream stays with you: I couldn’t remember any specifics about the songs, but they had a sonic impact that was haunting. Something about Elaine Doty’s poise and subtle vocals really delivered when those massive heavy parts kicked in.

I had to do a LOT to get this CD. Since it’s long out of print, you will want to hear it here.

There’s some adoring mentions of nymb to be found on the web, and you would be doing the right thing by ordering their ‘So, This is How it is’ full length CD (which is great), available new for cheap. Also, Elaine Doty went on to release a solo CD as Big Thick Skin, which has already become rather scarce even though I just bought mine within the last year.

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