id ‘self titled’ (2000)

by CultureOfNone on May 6, 2009

I really like finding independently produced CDs at thrift stores. This one was 99ยข, 7 songs, and was recorded at The Space Studio in New York. How it made it to a Salvation Army store in Southfield, MI is anyone’s guess.

From the song titles and the cover art/band photo, I got the feeling it would be either really bad …or, really “unexpected”. Either way, probably worth the dollar.

So, I listened: Silly band name, yes, and a few silly song titles (“whore”, “one nite stand”)…but the arrangements and approach make it rather interesting. The vocalist is confident and not particularly derivative…and there’s nice guitar work all around that explores territory beyond simple, tiresome chugging riff patterns.

Lyrically, it’s no literary jewel…but somehow singer Pete Crotty’s charisma and poise manages to deliver more than what reads from the lyricsheet. And – surprisingly – apart from Crotty turning up in a myspace comment (mentioned alongside Trapt?), after multiple Google searches, I’m not finding much on this band.

So dig it:

{ 1 comment }

1 Pete Crotty October 14, 2012 at 10:16 pm

Howdy!… A friend of mine was looking for my music w/that band and found your write up. That was pretty awesome thanx…:) … Well, a lot has happened since… my most recent project is called NCM …check the web site above … or
talk soon…:) …peace

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