My new membership to Swap A CD

by CultureOfNone on April 27, 2009

I just joined today, and I already really like the site’s potential and how it works.

I have stacks of CDs that I’m glad I was able to hear, but don’t feel I need to physically keep in the Culture Of None library. The grand majority of these titles are thrift store/dollar store buys, or bargain items from Amazon or There’s no financial benefit to trying to relist them on those sites, since there are countless copies currently listed for less than a buck.

There were a few titles available through that I cannot find elsewhere (not even in torrents or as shared .rar or .zip files), so I simply had to sign on.

Their system aligns nicely with my own politics as a music consumer; the funds involved in the process are minimal (you pay the actual postage when mailing out your titles, and you pay a 49ยข transaction fee via your reloadable Swap A CD account). You earn credits from CD titles (upon delivery) that you ship out, so every user has a viable, reward-driven interest in keeping the process in motion.

As should be expected, the site justifiably prohibits CD-R burns or “illegal” discs from circulating (although it remains to be seen if ‘promotional’/non-retail product is being traded).

It seems a great concept, so I’ve already joined their sister club .

I know somebody out there has to want my copy of ‘The Smokers’.

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